PANCASILA IS DIVINE TEACHING – Message of Syaykh Alzaytun

Last June 1st, 2023, The Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun Indonesia together with exponents and all Alzaytun students, held a commemoration ceremony for the 78th anniversary of Pancasila Day. Something that is held regularly every year as an action learning for the students.

The Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun, never gets tired of repeating the meaning of Panca Sila at every opportunity to coach students, teachers and all Alzaytun stake holders, with the intention that Pancasila is internalized, interpreted and not only memorized but practiced in daily life.

Furthermore As the basis of the state, Pancasila, according to Shaykh Abdussalam Rasyidi Panji Gumilang, does not belong to individuals, nor does it belong to those in power, but Pancasila is the basis of the state for all Indonesian citizens. Which must be practiced and not just used as a byword, let alone used as a tool to strengthen the position of any parties or individual and discredit another parties.

The commemoration of Pancasila Day is not only commemorated in 2023 but every year since many years ago. And it was done consciously as an integral part of civics learning for all student, Teachers, Stakeholders, And this is a conscious commitment as Indonesian citizen, and completely unrelated to the various opinon of certain parties towards Alzaytun and even Syaykh Alzaytun personally.

When many people use Pancasila as a tool for subjective interests, even those who don’t really understand the meaning of Pancasila, maybe don’t even know these five precepts by heart.

The Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun, has answered with full scientific and faith responsibility, that Pancasila is an inseparable part of the Divine Teachings, which underlies the life the nation and State.

Without mentioning a potential leader who does not memorize Pancasila (because indeed Pancasila is not only to be memorized, but practiced), at Alzaytun Indonesia, there is no one who does not memorize Pancasila, be it employees, teachers or students.

The description below is The Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun’s explanations of the five way of life of the citizen of the Republic of Indonesia, which he interprets as an integral part of the Divine Teachings that must be implemented by every Indonesian citizen:

1. Belief in the Almighty God

Understanding the substance of the country’s basic values is the right and duty of every citizen. When understanding God as a view of life this means: realizing a godly society, that is, a community whose members are imbued with the spirit of achieving God’s blessing / Mardlatillah, through good deeds for fellow human beings and for all beings.

Therefore, developing Indonesia based on Godhead is to build Indonesian society that has the soul and spirit to achieve God’s blessing in every good deed he does. From an ethical religious point of view, a state based on the Almighty God is a state that guarantees the freedom of each of its inhabitants to embrace religion and worship according to their respective religions and beliefs. From the basis of the Godhead also states that it is a must for the people of Indonesia to be a community of people who believe in God, and religious society, whatever their religion and beliefs.

2. Just and Civilized Humanity

History is a form of human experience for civilization and culture, therefore, civilization, politics, and culture are part of human life. Humanity is very closely related to God. Divine teaching cannot be implemented if it is not a form of true humanity. The structure of government is not as important as the spirit of the realization of just and civilized humanity that is far from vindictive and egoistic / ananiyah.

Even the most comprehensive democracy will bring misery, if the people do not have a just and civilized/honest attitude of humanity, whatever the system of government that is pursued, without the spirit of humanity which is just and civilized is nevertheless endless.

Just and civilized humanity requires self-loyalty when living life, fair and civilized humanity is a passion and perseverance to invite people to return to the base of the road and rebuild each other’s inner revolution, discipline themselves well, to find self-control and self-control.

Just and civilized humanity is the ability to balance outward prosperity with spiritual life. Fair and civilized humanity is the spirit of preparing the next generation who is able to see more than their own interests and have a clear perspective for the progress of their society.

Just and civilized humanity is the formation of awareness of order, as the principle of life because every human being has the potential to become a perfect human being, that is, a civilized human being. Humans who are civilized are certainly easier to accept the truth sincerely, and more likely to follow the procedures and patterns of life in an organized society, who are familiar with the law. Living with laws and regulations is a hallmark of civilized and cultural society.

Just and civilized humanity is the spirit of building views on people’s lives and the universe to achieve happiness with persistent effort. Just and civilized humanity gives rise to a universal spirit that embodies the attitude that all nations can and must live in a harmony full of tolerance and peace.

Just and civilized humanity will usher in a meaningful life because it is achieved through devotion without being selfish for the common good. Just and civilized humanity is an attitude of self-revitalization, to foster the creative dynamism of life, which leads one to always be dynamic, always sensitive to the movement of change and renewal.

Self-revitalization as a fruit of fair and civilized humanity is not limited to adherents of certain religions anyone with any religion can do so. The more determined a person is in pursuing just and civilized humanity, the more humble, and the more determined his conviction the more generous he is. In this case, the true mission of religion is to foster the formation of character and promote self-control, namely tolerance and peace.

3. The unity of Indonesia

Unity is a combination consisting of several parts that have been united. The unity of Indonesia is a foundation for the life of a nation or a system, which is always concerned with friendship, solidarity, loyalty, and courage.

The presence of Indonesia and its people on this earth is not for dispute. Indonesia is a form and life to realize the love of fellow nations and between nations.

Indonesian unity, not a dogmatic and narrow attitude or outlook, must be an effort to see yourself more objectively with the outside world. An effort to balance self-interest with the interests of other nations, or in a deeper level between the individual nation and the universe, which is a desirable characteristic of being a citizen of the world.

In the long run, the principle of Indonesian unity must become the spiritual principle of rules and structures to build a fair international order. Indonesian unity must be able to instill open thinking and distant views for the Indonesian people because only those who have long-sighted and open-minded views can support aspirations towards internationalism and globalism.

Indonesian unity like this will take the people of Indonesia to have sincere pride in their identity as citizens and citizens of the world. Such views and attitudes will not eliminate the superior features of a nation, instead, they will be able to establish the unique features of a national society, that is, a nation of people who are aware of global responsibilities, united in realizing universal unity, each contributing its privileges.

Indonesian unity like this will be able to get rid of the internal enmity of the nation because its achievement is not through military force, but through the demands of science, and civilization that is entrenched in people’s lives. The unity of Indonesia, which holds to the principle that cultural progress can equal universal values, can become a force that can lift the dignity of the people to become citizens and so on to be good citizens of the world.

4. Democracy Led by Wisdom in a consensus or representatives

A foundation that must be able to lead to the principles of republicanism, populism, rationalism, democratic, and reformism which are reinforced by a spirit of openness, and efforts towards universal populism. Popular principles like this must become the main ideals to awaken the Indonesian people to realize their potential in the modern world, namely people who are able to control themselves, steadfastly control themselves, even though they are in the midst of great upheaval to create change and renewal.

Namely the people who always give a new breath to the nation and state in creating a life that is full of healthy competition. The people who are led by wisdom are the people who are led by qualified education. Because education is a prerequisite for uniting spiritually.

Education is the main pillar of meaning rather than wisdom. Wisdom or education will color the people who are full of harmony, tolerance, and peace, far from being radical or terrorism.

Wisdom or education is able to create interaction and stimulation of interdependence between humans in a multicultural and diverse nation environment. Because educated humans will always respect a process in everything. Wisdom or education becomes the guiding principle of democracy, because it is the most straightforward and sure way, towards harmony, tolerance, and peace.

It is education that enables us as the people of a nation to be tolerant of the nation’s diversity. Wisdom shows people think at a higher stage as a nation, and free themselves rather than shackles of thought based on certain groups and narrow streams.

Therefore, building wisdom is building education wisdom, and that is the essence of building a civilized society that is rich in culture, namely people who avoid mutual suspicion and hostility.

5. Social justice for all Indonesians

Realizing a social justice for all Indonesian people is the goal of the ideals of the state and nation, concerning science, the sincerity of thought, spaciousness, civilization, family welfare, community justice, and peace.

It all means realizing the condition of an organically united society where each member has the same opportunity to grow and develop and learn to live in their original abilities. By realizing all meaningful efforts directed at the potential of the people, fostering character and improving the quality of the people, so that they have a firm stance and morals.

Realizing social justice also means realizing stable community principles that are fostered by the community members themselves, leading to the creation of an organized system that is comprehensive through the personal improvement of community members, so as to form a true way for each individual to carry himself and a way that is right to treat others.

Therefore, realizing justice must be a serious humanitarian movement, and truly carried out by the people, with effective methods and organizing so that this noble goal does not turn into a paradox and contradictory, that is to become a rape movement towards the values of justice and humanity