By Umur Tugay Yücel / Political Scientist
BRICS is the most democratic, most egalitarian, most tolerant civilization and civilization project of the 21st century. Defining only an economic and commercial center for BRICS is missing. BRICS is an economic and commercial player as well as an unquestionably cultural actor. Because the BRICS structure is a global ocean of civilization and culture for the world. BRICS is an actor that brings together 3 continents, unites 5 civilizations and hosts many religions. It can be said that BRICS is the largest and strongest cultural union of the 21st century.
Pool of civilization: BRICS
BRICS countries are the largest pools of civilization in the development and progress of the world. Because BRICS is the home of vibrant, rich and dynamic cultures. BRICS is a human-centered, democratic-based, multicultural, multi-vocal, multicolored, and multilateral civilization power. Bringing together the forces of civilization, BRICS is a civilizational formation. The main reason for BRICS power is that the BRICS entity has built an important diplomatic, technological, cultural, political, and social accumulation at the global level.
BRICS countries are the pioneers of intellectual change and transformation in many areas around the world. The effects of these centers include everything from our world of thought to our political systems, from our cultural codes to our eating and drinking habits. That’s why Indian influence, Chinese influence, Russian influence, Latin influence, and African influence will be discussed on our planet in the future.
Today, it is quite problematic not to see that BRICS is a mental, intellectual and philosophical power center. Because while BRICS hosts various branches of Christianity, it also hosts Hindu and Confucian civilizations. It includes different models socially and socially. Because it has different values, norms and traditions than the West. This also shows that it is a cultural power center.
The pinnacle of intercultural relations
With the newly participating countries in the BRICS Plus process, the religion of Islam and the Arab, Persian and Egyptian civilizations were also included. Thus, BRICS Plus; It turned into a giant civilizational organization that included Chinese, Indian, Russian, Latin, Arab, Persian, African and Islamic civilizations. As a result of this transformation, BRICS is the peak of intercultural relations and the most successful example.
However, BRICS is not a structure that imposes its own values and models on other countries, nor does it have the function of alienating and creating enemies. Solidarity in BRICS is against polarization, bloc-building and division. The BRICS structure does not question regimes, political systems, and does not interfere in internal affairs. On the contrary, it is an organization whose dialogue channels are completely open and offers high opportunities.
Multicivilized, multicultural
BRICS: It is a union of civilizations that are culturally, politically, religiously, diplomatically, socially, ethnically and civilizationally dissimilar. It is the most powerful organization of the polycentric-multi-civilizational world of the 21st century. BRICS represents the most comprehensive and transparent non-Western organization without a hegemon, based on equal representation in global governance. As a matter of fact, not seeing the strong impact and potential of the technological, cultural, legal, social and political alternatives that BRICS offers to nations and states means failing to read the future. Most simply, the legal accumulation of laws and rules brought about by thousands of years of history of the BRICS countries is quite high.
BRICS countries are pioneers in building traditional culture and ethics. As an example, this year 2024 was declared the Year of the Family in Russia. The BRICS organization continues its efforts to establish a joint news agency. The goal is to establish direct communication without Western agencies and to tell the news to the world from a non-Western perspective. In addition, the BRICS Sports Games started, and the BRICS Innovation Center was established.
BRICS 2024 Russia summit
Numerous meetings are held among BRICS countries, including government officials, think tanks, universities, cultural organizations and legislators. More than 200 events will be organized due to the 2024 BRICS Summit to be held in Russia.
These events cover many areas, from non-governmental organizations to technology centers, from sports competitions to student exchanges. The BRICS Parliamentary Forum will be held in Russia this year. In fact, more than 60 countries attended the BRICS Plus Fashion Summit held in Moscow. BRICS offers a vision to the world today with its past experience in the field of technology.
BRICS rising in space
BRICS, which cooperates in the field of space technology, also announced that it is developing space projects. This includes world surveillance groups, satellites and warning systems. India, Russia and China are among the countries that have successfully carried out humanity’s journey to the Moon.
Today, BRICS is not a structure in which a single civilization, a single culture, or a single geography is the hegemon, and it inherently rejects such structures. Instead of a single-centered, single-civilizational, monocultural, uniformist structure, a multi-centered, multi-civilizational, multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multicolored structure is being built. BRICS is the most powerful actor in the transition process to the post-Western order, which limits and suppresses the US-centered, Western civilization-based liberal world order.