Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo and the Islamic State of Indonesia 1949 – 1962, The Historical learning for Indonesia’s Young generation.

“ As proof of how nationalist Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwirjo , was his message to all his supporters to come down from the mountains and not carry out armed resistance, and return to the bosom of the Motherland to be good citizens of the country, obedient to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution”


The main factor in the establishment of the Indonesian Islamic State was Kartosoewirjo's disappointment of the contents of the Renville agreement. He felt very disappointed and regretted that the government was willing to agree to the Renville agreement with the Dutch. An agreement that was detrimental the Indonesian side, especially West Java, felt very disadvantaged. From here, as a form of disappointment, Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwirjo [1] ,a Masyumi [2] politician and son of the nation, finally proclaimed the Indonesian Islamic State -NII, which was based in the West Java region.

Before the signing of the Renville agreemen (3) there had been Dutch military operations in Java and Sumatra against the Republic of Indonesia which were carried out from 21 July 1947 to 5 August 1947. The operation known as Dutch Aggression 1 was a term created by Lieutenant Governor General Johannes van Mook who emphasized that the results The Linggarjati negotiations on March 25 1947 were no longer valid.

This military operation was part of the Police Action implemented by the Netherlands in order to maintain the Dutch interpretation of the Linggarjati Negotiations. From the perspective of the Republic of Indonesia, this operation is considered a violation of the results of the Round Table Negotiations.

The Renville Agreement signed on January 19 1948 which underlies the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia - NII is as follows:

  • The Netherlands only recognizes Central Java, Yogyakarta and Sumatra as part of the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
  • Approval of the demarcation line (Van Mook) separating Indonesian territory and Dutch occupied territory.
  • The Indonesian army must withdraw from its enclaves in the occupied areas of West Java and East Java.

As mentioned above, the Renville Agreement was motivated by the conflict that occurred between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The dispute was caused by the Dutch attack in Indonesia which occurred on July 12 1947, known as the Dutch military aggression I.

The Renville Agreement was a United Nations Security Council-brokered political accord between the Netherlands, which was seeking to re-establish its colony in Southeast Asia, and Indonesian Republicans seeking Indonesian independence during the Indonesian National Revolution. Ratified on 17 January 1948, the agreement was an unsuccessful attempt to resolve the disputes that arose following the 1946 Linggadjati Agreement. It recognised a cease-fire along the Status Quo Line (Status Quo lijn) or so-called "Van Mook Line", an artificial line that connected the most advanced Dutch positions.
The agreement is named after USS Renville, the ship on which the negotiations were held while anchored in Jakarta Bay. [wikipedia]

The Dutch attacks in Indonesia received the attention of other countries and became an international condemnation. Then on August 1 1947, the UN Security Council stepped in to help stop the Dutch attack. However, on August 5 1947, the Netherlands and Indonesia again announced that they would carry out a ceasefire, prompting the UN Security Council to take steps to resolve the problem.

The UN Security Council then formed the Three Country Commission consisting of Australia, Belgium and the United States which was tasked with mediating and resolving the Indonesia-Netherland dispute. The commission also tries to bring the two parties, namely the Netherlands and Indonesia, closer together to resolve all military and political disputes and problems.

According to Anthony Read in his book The Indonesian National Revolution 1945-1950 (1974), the existence of the Van Mook demarcation line was considered an insult because Indonesia's territory was increasingly narrowing. In fact, the agreed area is smaller than previously in the Linggarjati Agreement which agreed on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Madura. Based on the Van Mook demarcation line, the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is shrinking, leaving only Banten, parts of Central Java and Madura.

The impact of the Renville Agreement triggered a strong reaction from the people who considered the government to be siding with the Dutch. Apart from that, the Indonesian Army which was still in Dutch-controlled areas had to withdraw to Indonesian territory in Yogyakarta.

Is NII a rebellion or not, a question marks.

A historical event known as the "hijrah" or the long journey of the Indonesian army to Central Java and Yogyakarta. In this way, a vacuum emerged and even had an impact on the recognition of Indonesia's sovereignty by the international community.

There is a question that has not been answered until now, is the Islamic State of Indonesia - NII a rebel like the other rebel movement, PRRI/PERMESTA? Of course the Young Generation of the Indonesia can conclude this by comparing the background of the rebellion movement in the history of independence and the fulfillment of independence in Indonesia.

The PRRI/PERMESTA rebellion began because of dissatisfaction among some military leaders in the regions regarding the inequality of development at the center and the regions. Finally they formed Regional Military Councils such as the Banteng Council in West Sumatra (led by Colonel Achmad Husein), the Elephant Council in Medan (led by Colonel Simbolon), the Garuda Council in South Sumatra (led by Lt. Col. Barlian) and the Manguni Council in Manado (led by Colonel Ventje Sumual).

To response this movements, the central government has made efforts to approach the leaders of the Military Council, but this has not produced positive results. Finally on February 10 1958 a giant meeting was held in Padang which was attended by the leaders of the Military Councils. Chairman of the Banteng Council, Achmad Husein delivered an ultimatum to the central government;

  • Within 5x24 hours the Juanda Cabinet handed over the mandate to the President
  • The President assigned Hatta and Hamengkubuwono IX to form a new Cabinet
  • Request that the President return to his position as Constitutional President.

Of course, this demand was rejected by the central government. The government finally dishonorably dismissed the leaders of the Military Council. Finally, because his demands were rejected, on February 15 1958 Achmad Husein proclaimed the establishment of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) with Syafruddin Prawiranegara [3] as Prime Minister. This proclamation received support from Colonel DJ Somba in Sulawesi. He stated that North and Central Sulawesi had joined PRRI and cut ties with the Indonesian Government.

Finally, the government carried out a military operation called Operation 17 August led by Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Yani to crush this rebellion. It turned out that this rebellion received support from the United States, as evidence was that a United States fighter plane was shot down by Indonesian troops. This plane was controlled by Alan Pope, an American pilot who is believed to be part of the CIA. However, the PRRI rebellion did not seem to receive full support from its supporters, and finally its leaders surrendered to the Indonesian Army [TNI].

Among the many Indonesian people's resistance to Dutch colonialism, the most feared was the resistance of Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo or the Indonesian Islamic State which was proclaimed on August 7 1949, where because of its existence the International Community did not recognize Indonesia's emptiness and sovereignty still recognized.

This hatred was due to the use of the name of Islam [ the first Islamopobhia in the colonial era ] and if this was accommodated it would jeopardize the Dutch's cunning plans to re-colonize Indonesia in various ways, including the formation of the United Republic of Indonesia [RIS] in 27 December 1949.

In accordance with the Constitution, RIS consists of states, state units and special regions, except for the Indonesian Islamic State, because its existence was a form of resistance against the Dutch, not like the Pasundan State [4] and others.

The states included in the RIS are;

A. States which include the State of East Indonesia, the State of Pasundan, the State of East Java, the State of Madura, the State of Sumatra, the State of East Sumatra, and the Republic of Indonesia.
B. State Units include Central Java, Bangka, Belitung, Banjar, Riau, Southeast Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Big Dayak and West Kalimantan.
C. Swapradja area which includes the cities of Waringin, Sabang and Padang.

Thus, it is questionable if there are parties who say that NII collaborated with the Dutch, just because several historical events coincided with NII's military movements. Not only because of the clear background of its founding, namely resistance to the Dutch who wanted to re-colonize Indonesia with military force and diplomacy.

If in the dynamics of the movement, the Dutch military figure Van Kleef was involved, then it could be one of the Dutch strategies to destroy NII from within, which was well known as Devide et Impera, theoretically meaning ,the politics of division or also known as fighting against one another, which is a combination of political, military and economic strategies aimed at gaining and maintaining power by dividing large groups into smaller groups that are easier to conquer.

The politics of divide et impera was not only carried out by the Dutch at the beginning of colonialism, but after the proclamation of independence, the Dutch also tried again to implement the politics of divide et impera to divide Indonesian unity. His efforts also succeeded in dividing Indonesia into states, namely the State of East Indonesia (now Papua), the State of East Sumatra, the State of Madura, the State of Pasundan, the State of South Sumatra, and the State of East Java. Perhaps history proves that only NII was not included in this political frame of fighting each other. That's why the Dutch could only tried to damage Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo's resistance movement from within by inserting Van Kleef into the NII movement, and spreading the issue of Dutch weapons supplies, so that NII's image would become bad among the people of West Java.

Perhaps there is a question mark, why are the figures of the Dutch-formed Pasundan State not as impressive as the historical assessment of the NII or Sekarmaji Marihan Kartosuwiryo? Maybe because of the assessment that most of the figures from the Pasundan State were supporters of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia? If this is true, then Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo was a true Nationalist, an exponent of Masyumi, who canceled the NII Proclamation on 14 August 1945, after received definitively information that the proclamation of Indonesian independence would be carried out by Sokarno - Hatta on 17 August 1945.

Nevertherless, Kartosoewirjo, apart from being known as the founder of and the high priest or supreme leader of the NII (Indonesian Islamic State). He was also one of the originators of the 1928 Youth Pledge. However, behind his role as the initiator of the Youth Pledge, there was a sad story at the end of his life which made President Soekarno [5] tear up when he decided on his death sentence.

Why did Soekarno cried for Kartosoewirjo, because he was his close friend when he was still studying and staying at HOS TJokroaminoto's [5] house in Peneleh Surabaya in the 1918s.

As described by several media, Soekarno was a proclaimer of Indonesia who was loyal to his comrades in arms. Like when Soekarno cried when he was about to sign the death sentence handed down to his friend, Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo. This happened because Soekarno believed that the Indonesian Islamic State (NII), led by Kartosuwiryo, was carrying out a rebellion against his government, and this was confirmed by the Court's decision.

As proof of how nationalist Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwirjo was his message to all his supporters to come down from the mountains and not carry out armed resistance, and return to the bosom of the Motherland to be good citizens of the country, obedient to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

The NII - Indonesian Islamic State - pseudo reincarnation.

From kerosene business to jihad commando.

The re-emergence ( pseudo reincarnation ) of the frenzy about NII - Indonesian Islamic State - which had ended in 1962, was due to the cunning attempt of General Ali Murtopo [6] who suggested to President Suharto not to include former NII figures on the list of enemies he would crush. However, later on, Ali Murtopo used it as a bargaining position in dealing with President Soeharto, resulting in a frenzy that sparked fierce debate in a country with a majority of Muslim Population.

Still for personal interests and to increase his bargaining position in Suharto's eyes, Ali Murtopo, assisted by several former NII officials, formed a movement known as 'jihad commando', with financing facilities and official connections, Ali Murtopo spread his jihad commando wings throughout Java, This includes providing kerosene business facilities to former high-ranking officials of the Islamic State of Indonesia, even providing jobs at the state intelligence institution - BAKIN - as he did to former NII principal Danu Muhammad Hasan, father of Ustadh Hilmi Hasan, founder of the PKS Party.

Regarding the Jihad Command and the pseudo-reincarnation of NII, General Sumitro, Ali Murtopo's competitor, who was eliminated because of the Malari case, said that it was all Ali Murtopo's cunning engineering. From several meetings my late father held, with a local figures who were later named as Jihad Command activists. I saw that their involvement was just to show that they were different from the community and local religious figures. For example, some time after the 1977 elections ended and Golkar won the vote significantly, these activists were arrested and imprisoned in a military detention center at that time. I recocnized some of them, Ustadh Amin Sakin, Ustadh Mahbub from Tuban, and a village figure named Haji Amir. They did not make any movements, except, to borrow President-elect Prabowo's term “ Omon Omon - No action talking only”.

The true story above is funny, even funnier at that time was a teacher named Ustadh Sihabul Millah, who was very simple and devoted his life to Maskumambang Islamic Boarding School, he never went out anywhere, except going and returning to his village Ujung Pangkah. he was also arrested because of Jihad Command operation. It was the small-scale truth of General Sumitro's statement.

Perhaps the only person who was not included in the list of jihadist commando activists was my father Haji Imam Rasyidi, a former Masyumi activist and chairman of Golkar in Dukun under district at that time. Even though he was often visited by important national figures, such as Haji Ismail Pranoto [7} Pak Danu Mohammad Hasan, and Pak Pitut Suharto, recently I read and heard a lot of my father's stories which were far from the actual reality. At that time my father was a local leader who was very loyal to President Soeharto, even though he harbored admiration for Sukarno. therefore it is not strange that one of his sons, Prof.Dr. Abdussalam Rasyidi, M.P, even though he was friend with President Soeharto, remained focused on the story of President Soekarno's life journey, until he said that if there were other Madhabs besides the 4 Madhabs, then I would follow the Soekarno as my Madhab, in relation to women's empowerment.

My late Father always commented enthusiastically on what was conveyed by his guests regarding the NII and the Jihad Command. He said that what was conveyed was very tendentious to overthrow President Suharto, and they certainly couldn't do anything, except to show their character and personal bargaining position in front of their superiors. I asked who his superior was, he answered briefly "General Ali Murtopo"

Solichan Arief [Sindo news April 2021] wrote that 185 people were arrested in various provinces. In detail, 23 people in East Java called themselves Barisan Jihad [including the above local vigures]. Then 105 people were arrested in Jakarta, 38 people in West Java and 19 people in Central Java. In Sumatra, officers raided the Revolutionary Specter group. Organizationally, the Jihad Command collapsed. Towards the end of 70, all those who had previously been inspired by the Jihad Command fell. Everyone hides.

In the midst of the rise of the Jihad Command movement, in 1977, I was detained at Kodim 0503 West Jakarta, because one of the TNI officer was offended by my writing in the TNI Daily [ harian angkatan bersenjata] regarding the land issues at the Jelambar Police Kavling [kavling Polri] West Jakarta. I remember very well at that time, how I was beaten for saying the names of people who often attended K.H. Dalari Umar’s religious studies [pengajian] a Masyumi figure in Jelambar, West Jakarta, I cannot names them one by one. Apparently they were worried about linking this incident to the rise of a pseudo-movement called jihad commando, and finally I was told that my arrest was on the order diretcly from Admiral Sudomo.

The Concept of Islamic State According to SM Kartosuwiryo.

When the Islamic State of Indonesia was proclaimed by Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo on August 7 1949 [8] the Proclaimer who later became the supreme leader or State Imam, the leader's age was 44 years, almost the same age as his friend Ir. Sukarno proclaimed the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 1945 [9].

The proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia, which according to historical records, was delayed, because it was planned to be carried out on August 14 1945, but was canceled because the proclamation of Indonesian independence was to be carried out by Soekarno - Hatta on August 17 1945.

There are several parties said that SM Kartosuwiryo took part in drafting the text of the proclamation of independence read by Soekarno although they could not prove it accurately. This shows that SM Kartosuwiryo was an inseparable part of the process of Indonesian independence from Dutch colonialism, where the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia which he carried out 4 years later was a manifestation of his anti-Dutch attitude.

The difference between the two proclamations of independence made by the two HOS Cokroaminoto students mentioned above, is that the proclamation of independence made by Soekarno was based on nationalism, while the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia was based on Islam. From sharing literary sources, information was obtained that the two of them were friends and competed with each other, a personal rivalry that was brought to the point that both of them appeared as actors in the struggle to liberate the country from Dutch colonialism.

In contrast to the founders Muhamadiah and Nahdlatul Ulama who received religious education in Saudi Arabia, the two actors in the struggle for independence mentioned above studied Islam autodidactically under the influence of their teacher HOS Cokroaminoto's conception of religious life.

Both of them continued to study religion in their mature lives as politicians, SM Kartosuwiryo studied it with the guidance of his in-laws in West Java, while Soekarno continued to study through independent study, including using various correspondence with A.Hassan, a Persis Bandung figure, to study religion.

As explained above, just as the Indonesian nation was proud of its independence, it had to experience colonial undermining again through the Dutch Military Aggression I and II. It was this aggression and the results of Renville's negotiations that were detrimental to the nation that made Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo [SMK] even more confident in establishing the Indonesian Islamic State.

In Horikoshi's notes, in early 1948 SMK once again asked Kiai Joesoef Taudjiri to proclaim the Islamic State of Indonesia. But for the second time, the kiai refused. Finally, in August 1949, SMK deemed it necessary to issue NII Declaration No. 7. The announcement on 12 Shawwal 1368/7 August 1949 contained a statement on the founding of NII.

This historical journey proves that SM Kartosuwiryo and the Islamic State of Indonesia did not rebel against the Indonesian government, which according to SM Kartosuwiryo, confirmed by history, there was a vacuum, which requires them to fill it, so that the existence of Indonesian sovereignty remain exists.

SM Kartosuwiryo is a figure who is committed to his beliefs, whether related to religious or political ideology, so he often has to clash with fellow PSI exponents and then Masyumi.

On August 7 1949, the Islamic State was proclaimed in Cisampang, Cilugalar subdistrict, Kawedanan Cisayong, Tasikmalaya, supported by loyal friends, namely, Ghazali Tusi, Sanusi Partawijaya, R. Oni and Thoha Arsyad. And like every movement that carries the name of Islam, it is always closely linked to God's intervention, and not only because of the limited political will of humans. Therefore, in every delivery of SM. Kartosuwiryo always called NII the Country of God's Gift ( Negara Karunia Allah ).

SM Kartosuwiryo, Imam of the Islamic State of Indonesia, believes that Islam has regulated human life in the state, which regulates the welfare of its citizens, the rights of citizens regarding educational services and other aspects of life. And most importantly, according to him, the state must be fully sovereign and recognized de facto or dejure by the international community, so that the state is not controlled again by the Dutch colonial power.

It was widely revealed that his belief did not receive widespread support regarding the importance of the proclamation of the Islamic State, because of various political and security backgrounds as well as the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the proclamation was still carried out after being delayed because of his support for the proclamation of independence carried out by his friend Sorkarno on 17 August 1945. In fact, Masyumi was actually has provided support to SM Kartosuwiryo, with the holding of the Pangwedusan Conference.

The Pangwedusan Conference, which lasted for two days, began on February 10 1948, attended by no less than 160 people, consisting of representatives of the Masyumi party and from various Islamic organizations in West Java, Jakarta and Central Java.

The Pangwedusan Conference agreed on various decisions and the most important ones were as follows:

  1. Form an Islamic Council, as its leader appointed S.M. Kartosuwirjo, he was given the title of Imam. This institution is an Islamic (temporary) government that determines its operational base in West Java and Central Java.
  2. Form the Indonesian Islamic Army (TII) military organization whose potential base is Hezbollah and Sabilillah troops. TII's personnel and weapons continue to be improved and more complete, especially after the Hezbollah troops under the leadership of Adah Jaelani, H. Zaenal Abidin, Agus Abdullah, and Danu Muhammad (Cirebon) and other troops (from Bogor and Banten) joined.
  3. A People's Defense organization called Pahlawan Darul Islam (PADI) was also formed.
  4. The residents were ordered to hand over their weapons to TII, and the people also gave and collected Infak fi Sabilillah, to buy weapons and other war equipment.
  5. R. Oni was appointed as Commander of the TII Regiment whose unit was named the Sunan Rahmat Regiment. To carry out his duties, R. Oni organizes its units as follows:
  • S. Otong (Bandung) as Battalion I Commander
  • H. Zainul Abidin (Garut) as Commander of Battalion II
  • Nur Lubis as Commander of Battalion III
  • Adah Djaelani (Tasikmalaya) as Commander of Battalion IV

Thus the Pangwedusan Conference mentioned above became social and political capital ahead of the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia, Therefore, NII has met the criteria for a country;

The Jihad Fi Sabilillah Program which originates from the commands of Allah SWT and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad as well as its implementation under leadership of Imam S.M. Kartosuwirjo.

In the field of defense and the military, TII personnel are increasingly equipped with larger and more complete weapons. Likewise with their abilities on the battlefield encouraging and reassuring.

The government formed is quite stable and representative. Marked by the formation of government (NII) at the village level, sub-district level, and so on (upwards) until the government is formed central level. The area controlled by NII is quite extensive, especially in the Java region West and Central Java.

The two areas mentioned above are completely controlled by NII. This is characterized by the compliance and obedience of its residents to every regulation and legislation made and issued by
NII central government. NII ( Indonesian Islamic State) has its own Qunun Asasi (Constitutional Law) which was drafted on 27 August 1948.

As with modern countries, the NII government structure has a deputy priest who is filled by Karman. There are also ministers of home affairs and information whose positions are held by Sanusi Partawidjaja and Thaha Arsyad. Finally, there are several more ministerial positions, such as Minister of Finance (Udin Kartasasmita), Minister of Defense (Raden Oni), and Minister of Justice (Ghazali Thusi).

As can be understood from various events in the history of Indonesian independence, regardless of NII's performance, the establishment of this Islamic State was to provide resistance to Dutch colonialism, which for several years since Indonesia was proclaimed has been trying to come back with various political, military tricks and the strength of its international relations, This was proven by the allied soldiers who were deliberately invited along with the Dutch to regain control of Indonesia.

So the focus of the NII and its Imam SM Kartosuwiryo was to fight against the Dutch in the territory under their leadership, for 13 years, from 1949 - 1962 when SM Kartosuwiryo was arrested and tried in a very fast judicial process, namely 3 days later he was sentenced to death because he was proven guilty. rebelled against the Indonesian government, a month later was executed by his close friend and competitor Soekarno.

The 13 years of existence of the Islamic State of Indonesia under the leadership of SM Kartowiryo was quite a long time for a government that was established as compensation for Dutch dishonesty in every negotiation, and the failure of Indonesian figures in responding to every negotiation, whether Linggar Jati or Renville.

In my opinion, the NII was a manifestation of Masyumi's incompatibility with Dutch behavior as well as the behavior of Sukarno, who at one time was too inclined towards the Communist Party. And it is not impossible that there was unwritten support from Penglima Besar General Sudirman, who is said to have communicated with SM. Kartosuwiryo through Lieutenant Colonel Gatot Subroto, although this cannot be proven, it is widely circulated among the nation's children in this country.

The length of time NII lasted as mentioned above was due to Soekarno's failure to implement the concept of collaboration that he always put forward while leading Indonesia. This may be due to uncertain socio-political and security conditions, but also due to the history of the feud between these two friends, related to matters of principle. So that personal aspects are suspected to emerge in resolving the state crisis related to Kartosoewirjo .

He was being charged with violating multiple articles, namely articles 107 paragraph 2, 108 paragraph 2, and 104 in conjunction with article 55 of the Criminal Code, in conjunction with article 2 of PENPRES No. 5 of 1959 which was published in State Gazette No. 80 of 1959.

Fadhli Zon wrote that there were at least three political crimes that the government blamed on Kartosoewirjo.

  1. Leading and organizing attacks with the intention of overthrowing the legitimate government
  2. leading and organizing a rebellion against the legally established power, namely the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. carrying out assassination plots against the president which were carried out successively and most recently during the 'Eid al-Adha' incident.

In the Military Court trial, SM. Kartosuwiryo remained adamant that he was innocent and the proclamation of the Islamic State of Indonesia was a necessity, then he did not want to apologize to his friend President Soekarno, he said "I do not want to apologize to a man named Soekarno".

Some say that SM. Kartosuwiryo asked for clemency (Grasi) and Soekarno refused, this was incorrect information. Because SM.Kartosuwiryo firmly refused to ask President Soekarno for forgiveness.

However, whatever happens between SM. Kartosuwiryo and Soekarno, both of them remained friends. SM.Kartosuwiryo was committed to his opinions about Islam, but he also appreciated Soekarno's concept of nationalism. And as a nationalist, Soekarno still respected Islam. In fact, none of the Indonesian leaders at that time really cared about and studied Islam except Soekarno, and so on, even though SM. Kartosuwiryo clashed with him because of his communist leanings.

Both of them experienced the same thing in defending their opinions and leadership, all done for the sake of their love for Indonesia.

SM.Kartosuwiryo was executed with the approval of his friend Soekarno, and Sukarno allowed himself to be treated unfairly by Suharto. That's politics, sometimes it has to sacrificed its own best son.

The Constitution of Indonesian Islamic State ( Qonun Asasi )

Like the Republic of Indonesia with the 1945 Constitution, the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) also has a written constitution called the Constitution or Qonun Asasi, The full text of the Islamic Qonun will be presented in the attachment, but to compare with the 1945 Constitution, here is the Preamble to the Indonesian Islamic State Qonun Asasi;


Inna fatahna laka fathan mubina


Since the beginning, Muslims have struggled, both since the Dutch colonial period and before during the Japanese occupation era, until the Republic of Indonesia era,until now, all this time contains a holy purpose, towards a noble purpose, namely "seeking and getting Mardhotillah,who lives in the bonds of the new world, namely the Islamic State of Indonesia independent".

During this time, Muslims carried out their sacred obligations in various ways followed, then he found several bridges that needed to be crossed, namely the Japanese occupation bridge and Indonesian National Independence.

Almost the Muslim Ummah's feet had finished crossing this last golden bridge, then a new storm stranding the ark of the Muslim Ummah so that it leaves the Republic area, lies in responsibility Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Thank God, the ebb and flow of water in ocean waves does not affect it in the slightest the sacred intentions contained in the hearts of true Muslims. In such circumstances, Muslim Ummah rose and took up arms, continued the Indonesian Revolution, faced the enemy, who always only wanted to colonize.

During this second revolution, which because of its nature and style was an Islamic revolution, out and in, then Muslims do not forget their obligation to build and mobilize an Independent Islamic State, a Kingdom of God that is born on earth, is the condition and a place to achieve salvation for every human being and the entire Muslim Ummah, both physically and spiritually, in this world until the hereafter.

May it be with God's help and grace, Qanun Asasy which is currently our guide, through, through sacred devotion to 'Azza wa Jalla, real deeds can be realized, from every citizen in areas where Islamic laws are implemented noblely, namely Allah's Law and Prophetic Circumcision.

Hopefully Allah SWT will bestow His Taufik and Hidayah as well as His help and grace for the entire country and the Indonesian Muslim Community so that the safety of the people and the country is guaranteed in every disaster whatsoever. Amen!

"Lau anna ahlal qura amanu wattaqau lafatahna 'alaihim barakatin min as-sama'I wal-ardli".

The detailed description of the Constitution of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) is intended so that we know and can compare it with the 1945 Constitution, so that the younger generation understands what happened in the past, which they have absolutely no experience of, and for that they did not responsble [10]

1]. Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo, was born in Cepu on the border between Central Java and East Java. His father Marijan was an opium supervisor at that time, it is said that his grandfather Kartosuwiryo was born in the village of Raci Kulon, Sidayu Gresik, who later moved to Kalitidu along with several figures in the village, who then took a lot of part in the tobacco trade. I still remember that one of the descendants of the Raci family, NGO activist Ali, Adi Sanono's protégé, once searched for Sekarmaji's traces all the way to Molangbong West Java, to confirm that Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo was a relative of Raci Kulon. Other descendant’s of Raci Kulon families is Abdussalam Rasyidi Panji Gumilang, the Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun Indonesia (from his grandfather Haji Abdul Rachman, tobaco trader)

2] The Council of Indonesian Muslim Associations Party (Indonesian: Partai Majelis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia), better known as the Masyumi Party, was a major Islamic political party in Indonesia during the Liberal Democracy Era in Indonesia. It was banned in 1960 by President Sukarno for supporting the PRRI rebellion [Wikipedia]

3] Like Sekarmaji Marijan Kartosuwiryo, Syafruddin Prawiranegara was a Masyumi figure. The first proclaimed the Islamic State of Indonesia - NII, while the second became the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of PRRI. The only difference was the background of these two movements, NII was proclaimed as a form of colonial resistance against the Dutch, while PRRI was formed as a guard against political and military elite dissatisfaction with Central government.

4]. The State of Pasundan (Indonesian: Negara Pasundan; Sundanese: Nagara Pasundan) was a federal state (negara bagian) formed in the western part of the Indonesian island of Java by the Netherlands in 1948 following the Linggadjati Agreement. It was similar to the geographical area now encompassed by the current provinces of West Java, Banten and Jakarta.

A Pasundan Republic (Indonesian: Republik Pasundan) was declared on 4 May 1947 but was dissolved later that year. On 26 February 1948, the State of West Java (Negara Jawa Barat) was established and, on 24 April 1948, the state was renamed Pasundan. Pasundan became a federal state of the United States of Indonesia [RIS] in 1949 but was incorporated into the Republic of Indonesia (itself also a constituent of the USI) on 11 March 1950. [Wikipedia]

[5] H.O.S Tjokroaminoto was a political teacher and discussion partner of several national movement figures, such as Soekarno, Kartosoewiryo, Abikoesno, Alimin, and Muso. His culmination was becoming chairman of Sarekat Islam which aims to build
brotherhood, friendship and mutual cooperation as well as developing the economy of the people. This organization has also succeeded in gaining recognition from the Netherlands even though its scope is still limited. This is proven by the new regulations made by Tjokroaminoto, namely establishing Sarekat Islam branches throughout Indonesia.

[6] Ali Moertopo was born in Blora, Central Java, on September 23, 1924. He is the son of a merchant in Blora.He received his education at Hollandsch Inlandsche School (HIS). After finishing from HIS, Alie Moertopo continued his education at Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO).Since childhood, Alie Moertopo had no desire to become a soldier. In fact, when he was little, he always looked away when he saw a member of the army.

[7] The former Minister of BUMN wrote that the most dramatic thing was the emergence of the Jihad Command led by Haji Ismail Pranoto. He was arrested. When he was tried in Surabaya, Hispran, his nickname, admitted that he was innocent: every day he worked in his office at Bakin (State Intelligence Coordinating Agency). His office is next to the office of Bakin Chief Ali Murtopo.

Negara Islam Indonesia
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah, Maha Pengasih
Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadarrasulullah
Kami, Ummat Islam Bangsa Indonesia
Maka Hukum yang berlaku atas Negara Islam Indonesia itu, ialah : HUKUM ISLAM.
Allahu Akbar ! Allahu Akbar ! Allahu Akbar !
Atas nama Ummat Islam Bangsa Indonesia
Madinah - Indonesia,
12 Syawal 1368 / 7 Agustus 1949.


Kami bangsa Indonesia dengan ini menjatakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal-hal jang mengenai pemindahan kekoeasaan d.l.l., diselenggarakan dengan tjara seksama dan dalam tempo jang sesingkat-singkatnja.

Djakarta, hari 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05

Atas nama bangsa Indonesia


[10] I agree with what was conveyed by the Grand Chancellor of Alzaytun Indonesia, a figure who was always associated with the NII, that the Islamic State of Indonesia is finished. When NII was proclaimed he was only 3 years old, of course when NII disbanded he was only 16 years old, and in grade 3 at the Gontor Ponorgo Islamic Boarding School. I myself was not yet born, and when SM Kartosuwiryo was executed in front of a firing squad. I was only 6 years old